
Who we are?

Since the conception of our group, the heart of Freedom and Hope are many men and women who have recovered from a hopeless state of mind and body once controlled by cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. All our meetings are based on the proven solution, which has worked in our lives, by following the steps outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous and 12×12. We believe through the three legacies of: Recovery, Unity, and Service we learn a new design for living, which frees us from our addictions.

Most of us have tried just going to meetings and to “don’t get high no matter what” and found short-lived success at best. That is why Freedom and Hope advocates working through the 12 steps quickly and thoroughly with a sponsor to gain the power, hope and freedom required to combat an illness that takes so many lives. Come check out Freedom and Hope and get connected to that which has given us a new outlook and a re-birth that we thought was impossible.


Cocaine Anonymous website:
North Texas CA website: